Our advice is a unique goals-based process that is designed to allow us to deliver meaningful and enhanced wealth management outcomes to our clients.
Understanding the Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances
Identifying and Selecting Goals
Analyzing the Client’s Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Course(s) of Action
Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Monitoring Progress and Updating
The amount of superannuation needed for retirement depends on various factors, including lifestyle expectations, life expectancy, inflation, health costs, and whether you are eligible for other income sources, such as the government pension. However, general guidelines can help provide a sense of what you might need.
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The amount you need to start investing personally depends on a few factors, such as your financial goals, risk tolerance, and the type of investment you choose. Ultimately, you can start investing with almost any amount, but it’s wise to have a planthat matches your financial situation.
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Yes, local and based in Perth but not restricted to Perth only, I have clients in Geraldton, Bunbury, Busselton. Choosing a local boutique financial adviser over a corporate or industry adviser can offer several advantages, depending on your needs and preferences.
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Investment returns are not guaranteed. When you invest in shares (stocks), you are buying a small ownership stake in a company. The value of shares can go up or down based on a variety of factors.
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A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)is a type of superannuation (retirement savings) fund in Australia that is privately managed by its members, who are also trustees or directors of the fund. An SMSF allows individuals to directly control and manage their superannuation savings, rather than relying on a professional superannuation provider.
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With a deep understanding of our client’s objectives, we provide tailored solutions to assist clients in achieving their financial goals.
New Horizon Wealth PTY Ltd ACN 632 726 222 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AFSL No. 229892
ABN 23 065 921 735
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