US and Australian equity markets rallied after Donald Trump’s November 5th election victory, capping off a year of positive returns for all major asset classes.
Gold, International Equities and Australian Property have performed best, generating 20% + returns.
Global Infrastructure and Australian Equities have delivered 10% + returns. International Property, Cash and Australian Fixed Income have produced more modest positive returns.
This month’s newsletter examines some of the likely policies and financial market implications of a Trump presidency.
Trump sweeps to power.
In a general sense, Trump’s policies point to:
Australian Equities
International Equities
Property and Infrastructure
Fixed Income
With a deep understanding of our client’s objectives, we provide tailored solutions to assist clients in achieving their financial goals.
New Horizon Wealth PTY Ltd ACN 632 726 222 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AFSL No. 229892
ABN 23 065 921 735
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